Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Social Issues

We will be using Barbara Kruger's artwork as the jumping off point for our Social Issue Project.

When we talk about social issues in class, what we are actually talking about are the ideas and beliefs that society as a whole presses down upon us, that end up effecting our lives in one way or the other. Some social influences are very general and effect most people, and then they individualize themselves depending on who you are, and where you are in life.

In this project you will be challenged to identify a social issue that affects you and your life directly. The concept for this project is the MOST important part. The first thing you will need to do is complete a brainstorm sheet.

When you find the issue you would like to address then you need to take photos for it. It can be one photo or many. All photos will be desaturated black and white. If you would like to combine photos in photoshop it will be entirely up to you. It will all depend on what you are trying to accomplish.

You will need to come up with a statement. Remember, Barbara's statements are not obvious. She doesn't say, "all of us have something we fight with" She says, "Your Body is a Battleground". It is a statement, a strong statement, but also one that allows us interpretation. Your statement is perhaps the most important part of this assignment.You will add your statement to your image on an 8x10 document. You will ONLY use RED, BLACK, and WHITE for your lettering. You can add boxes and borders with those colors as well. The font you choose needs to be one of the simplistic block fonts.

While the project will be simple in the set up, the meaning should extend to great depth.

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